Declaration statement of Mansa Foundation for Media and Development Studies

Mansa Foundation
2017-08-18 | منذ 7 سنة    قراءة: 981

In conjunction with the World Press Freedom Day, which falls on May 3, 2017, Mansa Foundation for Media and Development Studies announces its declaration as a Yemeni non-profit civil society organization which works in accordance with an official permit issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor No. 375, on April 12, 2017.

The Foundation is headquartered in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a and it carries out activities in diverse Yemeni provinces.

The Foundation seeks to elevate the media status in Yemen and improve the environment and working conditions of the media organizations. It also seeks to provide opportunities for rehabilitating and developing the expertise of  the media persons as well as focusing professionally on development issues and keeping abreast of developments.

Mansa Foundation will work to improve the media performance, protect rights and freedoms, support development issues through raising awareness of the media issues, promote freedoms, publish reports and specialized studies, and organize relevant courses, workshops and symposiums.

The  Foundation as well aims to enhance the media freedoms, improve the legislative environment, develop the capabilities of media professionals, elevate their skills, promote professional values and ethics and occupational safety through training and rehabilitation programs. The foundation will work to provide protection for the media persons and advocate development issues through studies and researches as well as creating and encouraging pro-media outlets.

Mansa Foundation seeks to improve the quality of the media product and discourse. It will monitor the violations committed against media institutions and professionals, and promote awareness of the role of development media in the press and the society as a whole.

Mansa Foundation focuses on digital media, enhancement of the use of modern media, the investigative journalism and creating partnerships with state institutions and various media outlets as well as  with local and international civil society organizations.

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