Social media journalists and activists unleash campaign to counter hate speech

Mansa Foundation
2019-07-22 | منذ 6 سنة    قراءة: 2193

A number of Yemeni journalists and activists have unleashed a campaign on social media  announcing their rejection of hate speech and violence incitement that has aggravated the tragedy of war as the country has entered its fifth year of strife and fighting.

Dozens of Yemeni journalists and activists have posted their own profile photos on social media with a slogan saying:  # against Hate speech.

Adel Abdulmughni, the director of the project of countering hate speech and incitement in the Yemeni media which was implemented by Mansa Foundation in partnership with UNESCO and the International Program for the Development of Communication(IPDC), commended the growing awareness of the dangers of hate speech and incitement.

He said the increasing number of violence-rejecting voices among Yemeni journalists and activists will be able to create a culture that is different from the one that prevailed during the past years in which the media  appeared as tools to manage and prolong the conflict.

Abdulmughni added that confronting hate speech and incitement is an urgent necessity given its devastating and catastrophic consequences in addition to the fact that hate speech threatens the social fabric and the values ​​of co-existence in the country, especially in the context of conflicts and wars Yemen is witnessing.

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